A Little Good News Amid Much Fear

With all the fear and panic going around related to the possible effects of nuclear radiation, let me break up the angst with a little mundane good news.

A young lady from Greece visited this blog in December 2010, looking for some guidance as to how to use MMS to help eradicate an HSV1 and HSV2 (Herpes Simplex Virus) condition that has persisted for 10 and 2 years respectively. Preferring to keep her situation “private,” we exchanged occasional emails; she or me asking questions, and she or me answering them.

Then silence.

The other day I received an email from her… she had just received lab test results that confirmed she was VIRUS FREE! She becomes one more who KNOWS that MMS disinfection WORKS.

The fear and panic that so many people are demonstrating these days, comes from YEARS of using APPROVED, but medically ineffective treatments and methods.

It is time that we began favoring EXPERIENCED RESULTS over peer-reviewed, but meaningless OPINIONS.

It’s clear that we have much to learn about nature. Our problems escalate when we spend so much energy discrediting solutions that come from unconventional or even unconfirmed sources, while continuing to rely on ineffective, even harmful methods that come from “trusted” sources.

There is likely a way to safely remediate the nuclear toxicity threat that Japan and the rest of the world faces.

You almost have to wonder, if anyone other than a group of acknowledged “peers” brought it to the world’s attention, would anyone listen?


I’m about to take to the road for memorable journey, this time over a week-long sojourn that includes trips to Branson, Missouri, Fairfield, Iowa, and South Beloit, Illinois.

I have to get ready for my flight, but I’ll have more to say as the journey commences.


It was a pleasure to be invited to be a guest on the John Barbour program. The time appeared to pass very quickly.

My side of the Barbour interview. [03/03/2011]

Video allows more information to be shared per moment experienced. Since it wasn’t possible to visit him in Las Vegas and do the interview in person, I did the next best thing… record it on camera from my side.

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0 Thoughts to “A Little Good News Amid Much Fear”

  1. Gilgamesh

    I think it is clear now, that mmsfraud is just a brainless bot.

    1. Yeah, if that’s the conclusion YOU come to, I’ll take that as a compliment.

      I’d laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that some of the people here are probably certifiably delusional.. If you TRULY believe I’m an agent or bot or “NLP brainwasher” or whatever it is, you should probably seek some professional help, but of course you won’t, because “they’re all in on it” aren’t they? It’s called paranoid personality disorder.

      1. Gilgamesh

        If you are not a bot, you are the one that need a professional help, you have very serious problems. But I think you are just a brainless bot , and sound like a broken record, and ridiculous, and not to be taken seriously, just to be ignored.

      2. actually that applies to you mr pc bot operator.go get stuffed and throw in some therapy for your paranoid schizophrenia.

  2. The Illusion Of Disease
    By Mike Adams

    There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to label a set of symptoms as a disease. For example, I recently spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it said this: “Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak and fragile bones.” The poster went on to say that you need a particular drug to counteract this “disease.”

    Yet the language is all backward. Osteoporosis is not a disease that causes weak bones. Osteoporosis is the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other words, the weak bones happened first, and then the diagnosis followed.

    Another drug company defines osteoporosis as “the disease that causes bones to become thinner.” Again, the cause and effect are reversed. And that’s how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms: First you “get” the disease, then you are “diagnosed” just in time to take an expensive new drug for the rest of your life.

    But it’s all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It’s just a name for a pattern of symptoms that indicate you’ve let your bones get fragile. And to treat it, western doctors will give you prescriptions for drugs that claim to make your bones less brittle.

    We should really call it Brittle Bones Disease, and describe the treatment in plain language – exercise, vitamin D, mineral supplements with calcium and strontium, natural sunlight, and the avoidance of substances like soft drinks, white flour, and added sugars, which strip away bone mass.

    Diabetes is another condition given a complex name that puts its solution out of reach of the average patient. Type 2 diabetes isn’t technically a disease. It’s just a natural metabolic side effect of consuming refined carbohydrates and added sugars in large quantities without engaging in regular physical exercise.

    The name “diabetes” is meaningless to the average person. It should be called Excessive Sugar Disease. If it were called Excessive Sugar Disease, the solution to it would be rather apparent.

    Cancer is another disease named after its symptom. To this day, most doctors and patients still believe that cancer is a physical thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is only a side effect of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a physical manifestation of a cancer pattern that is expressed by the body.

    When a person “has cancer,” what they really have is a sluggish or suppressed immune system. And that would be a far better name for the disease: Suppressed Immune System Disorder.

    If cancer were actually called that, it would seem ridiculous to try to cure it by cutting out tumors and destroying the immune system with chemotherapy. These are the two most popular treatments for cancer, and they do nothing to support the patient’s immune system or prevent future occurrences. That’s exactly why most people who undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors end up with yet more cancer down the road.

    The cure for cancer already exists, and it’s found in every human body. Your body kills cancer cells as a routine daily task, and it has done it thousands of times in your lifetime.

    All we have to do is stop poisoning our bodies with cancer-causing chemicals and start feeding ourselves the materials our bodies need to beat chronic disease. Instead of searching for new technological cures, our money and time would be better spent making people aware of the existing cures and prevention strategies available right now.

    Here’s another example: high cholesterol. Conventional medicine says that high cholesterol is caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the treatment is drugs (statin drugs) that inhibit the liver’s production of cholesterol. Upon taking these drugs, the high cholesterol (the “disease”) is regulated.

    But the fatal flaw in this approach is once again evident: The symptom is not the cause of the disease. There is another cause, one that is routinely ignored by conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies, and even patients. The root cause of high cholesterol is primarily dietary. A person who eats foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils will inevitably produce more bad cholesterol. It’s simple cause and effect, not some bizarre behavior by the liver.

    “There’s a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don’t want to make health sound attainable to the average person.”


    If the disease were accurately named, it would be called Fatty Food Choice Disease. That would make more sense to people. And the obvious solution to the disease would be to choose foods that aren’t so fatty. Of course, that may be a bit of an oversimplification, since you have to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. But at least the name would give patients a better idea of what’s actually going on.

    Outside the United States, the names of diseases in other languages (such as Chinese) more accurately describe their actual causes. In western medicine, however, the name of the disease obscures the root cause. That makes all diseases sound far more complex and mysterious than they really are.

    That’s a shame, because the treatments and cures for virtually all chronic diseases are actually quite simple and can be described in plain language. Preventing and reversing these diseases only requires language that describes things like making different food choices, getting more natural sunlight, drinking more water, engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding specific toxins, supplementing your diet, and so on.

    There is a degree of arrogance in the language of western medicine, and this arrogance propagates the separation between doctors and their patients. Separation never results in healing. In order to create healing, we must bring together healers and patients by using plain language that real people understand and that real people can act upon.

    There’s a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don’t want to make health sound attainable to the average person. Making the language of disease complicated keeps it out of reach of the public.

    But health is attainable by every single person. It isn’t rocket science. It’s not complex. And it doesn’t require a prescription. Health is easy, it is straightforward, and it is direct. And, for the most part, it is available free of charge if you invoke the healing power of sunlight, pure water, stress reduction, exercise, and healthy food choices.


    Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist and author of more than 1,500 articles on disease prevention, conventional medicine, and more. He posts new articles daily at http://www.NewsTarget.com. His downloadable e-books (many are free) are published at http://www.truthpublishing.com.)


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  3. Gilgamesh

    Read all the thousands of testimonials on MMS, and buy some, MMS is cheap, and prove it to yourself.
    And if some weird virus come in from outer space, and start attacking people’s gizzards, MMS will be handy to have. And maybe will be the only thing for your gizzard.
    Jim Humble already told you, that you can go and see him, and you said you dont have the money, so you cant go. And that is your problem. And you think all those thousands of people who wrote those testimonials, they are all liars. So what else is your problem?
    If you dont believe in MMS, just walk away from it, nobody will be forcing you to believe.

    1. The reason I can’t walk away is because drinking MMS is actually NOT good for you and the people who promote it lie about it.

      All I want to see is the tests that Adam says ALREADY exist. Why is that so hard to get through to you. I’m not asking for anything unreasonable.

      After ten years there should be hundreds if not thousands of satisfied customers with REAL lab results showing they are HIV free or showing their cancer is gone.

      Ask yourself why is it SO easy to find random anonymous testimonials from thousands of people, but NO real test results?

      What did MMS cure YOU of? The majority of real people I actually spoke to who say MMS works used it just for simple things, like a niggling infection, or a rash, or something which wasn’t a real serious illness.

      So find me ONE person online who says MMS cured cancer or HIV? BUT that person has to have test results and has to have existed on a forum before they used MMS, it can’t be just some random anonymous person who joined a forum or Youtube JUST to write that MMS cured them, there’s PLENTY of those.

      I can link to several people on youtube who had accounts long before they tried MMS and they came back to say it DIDN’T cure them. I can link 2 right now, one has Morgellon’s disease and one has Lyme disease. You can probably find them yourself.

      So find me ONE single youtube clip of someone with HIV or Cancer who says MMS cured them and has test results. Ask yourself why you think this is such an unreasonable demand? I’m not asking to move heaven and earth; if I had cancer or HIV and MMS cured me, you can BET I would post my story on youtube and show the lab results, then I would go to the media and I guarantee they would pick up the story, you wouldn’t even have to mention MMS to begin with, once they picked up your story, then you could tell them it was MMS. Am I the ONLY person who thinks like this? Do you REALLY believe I’m being unreasonable?

      1. mms fraud i cured myself of terminal prostate cancer(6 months to live)i have the test reports,the pathologists report.x rays etc.BEFORE the mms.AND i have the COMPLETE tests after.NO CANCE!!!!!
        give US your email and i will prove it to you.but i know you will just come back under a different name because you are not a real person,but a bot or shill with death as your masters agenda.
        hey how abount the name mmsdebunked for your next incarnation?

      2. Congrats Tony to your recovery. Please share some more details of your recovery with us. No need to send me X-rays. Experience has shown me only people who lie about them-self, expect others to lie too. Hence they need prove from others!
        God bless you 🙂

      3. Correction/typo; people who lie THEM-SELF, expect others to lie too! 😉

      4. My point is that it shouldn’t take a week of me asking on one of the biggest “pro MMS” sites for someone to come out of nowhere and own up that they have some tests. In particular someone who links themselves to jimhunble.biz! Is that a joke? Feel free to send me what you have to mmsfraud at gmail dot com I’ll gladly have a look but you sending me some tests in email is not much better then anecdotal anyway. I’m not a doctor, I can’t verify that those tests are authentic, even they are I can’t verify those are really your results before and after treatment with MMS, I can’t verify if you were undergoing any other “conventional” treatment, I can’t verify that you weren’t a rare case of spontaneous remission, it does happen very rarely.

        What I do know is you have demonstrated absolutely no credibility, you accuse me of “brainwashing” for asking questions? Using “NLP” techniques to brainwash people, lol, that’s a new one! I also know a doctor would NOT have told you that you have 6 months to live, they would have said something like you have a 99% chance that you have 6 months to live, doctors never claim to know the “absolute” truth, they just have the statistics of what’s happened previously to people with similar diagnoses. Even if everything in your story is true and you really had something like 99% chance of living only 6 more months, then congratulations, you were one of the lucky 1%.

        The fact is if MMS was really curing millions of people as is so commonly claimed on sites like this one, then there should be a ready supply of hundreds if not thousands of verified tests like the one’s you claim you have, but from credible people without paranoid delusions or obvious links to Jim Humble. On those counts you fail unanimously.

        Experience has taught me that even smart and honest people can make mistakes without knowing it, which is why it’s important to check things for yourself. When it comes to medicine, the best method for doing that is demonstrably NOT experimenting with it on yourself but to rely on objective, verifiable tests. Just ask the first people who would have tried hemlock or toadstools (you can’t, they’re dead now) or people who smoked before we knew it was harmful, they wouldn’t have been able to warn you of the dangers either.

      5. lol, lol, lol, I haven’d had a laugh like this for some time.
        Here is somebody asking us for prove all the time, accusing us of not giving him the prove, and when somebody offers to send him the prove, he is already declared a fraud by MMSFraud, before he even has supplied the prove.
        How much more PROVE do we need that the only fraud on this blog is MMSfraud?
        lol, lol, lol, 😉

      6. Really? MMS has cured millions of people for 14 years; I’ve been looking for a single test for a year, after a whole week of asking on one of the most popular pro-MMS sites, ONE single person finally comes forward to say they have some tests, and they just happen to LINK THEM SELVES DIRECTLY TO JIMHUMBLE.BIZ! and they accuse me of “brainwashing” with NLP and being an agent bot or whatever else paranoid theory they have, and YOU expect ME to take them seriously? You obviously expect me to be a complete idiot.

    2. the bot program is sophisticated,as you can see it stays “on subject”(the valiant search for proof-gag!)yet there are general variations,with some real comment INSERTED,into the template.it follows a flowchart,that actually bis published on the net.the only response to these asses,behind this pgm (the operator ),the agency,is to ridicule and then ignore them.as i see it ,here is proof,and yet this thing mmsfraud-debunked,immediately discounts and rejects it.ha,ha,

      1. Gilgamesh

        He wrote, that he is scared now. I think, because the truth is
        biting him now in his behind.

  4. Hi Adam
    Can you confirm to me if DMSO is indeed the original MMS.
    I got a mail today in German, saying that DMSO is the original MMS and that it protects against radiation (amoungst other things ;).
    Apparently this info is a translation from a English source, a book called “Natures Healer” by DR. Morton Walker.
    Did you ever hear of this before? Mr. Walker being a Doctor, maybe this is worth while investigating… 🙂

    1. Hi Simunye,

      DMSO is the “original” DMSO, not MMS. DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide. It is derived from processing trees in the lumber industry, and has natural properties of a solvent. Unlike MMS, quite a bit of clinical research has been done, by universities and medical research organizations going back to the early 1960’s. The research covered a wide range of conditions, from high blood pressure and migraine headaches, to macular degeneration and cancer. Numerous conferences were convened that were well-attended by the medical research community… all of this documented in Dr. Walker’s book. The upshot is that DMSO was granted FDA approval for two applications — interstitial cystitus and as a preservative for organ transplants. This is could be likened to only approving 0the use of water to drinking.

    2. Sorry, I looked a bit deeper into this, but while DMSA seems to protect against radiation (fisrt discovered in 1961, testet on rats), I think I got the message wrong that it is MMS originally.
      “MMS the original” was just standing above it, but it may not be related to DMSA.
      Still, with radiation becomming a serious tread in Japan, maybe this DMSO is worth while investigating at this time… 🙂

  5. Gilgamesh

    If you want empirical evidence, you just have to read the hundreds of testimonials on this blog, and all over the internet.
    And if you think all these people are not telling the truth, I dont think MMS is going to help you, you will need much more than MMS for your problem.

    1. I’ll try to break it down to you as simply as I can:

      Testimonials are NOT empirical evidence, Lab results are.
      Adam claims in this post that someone has LAB RESULTS.

      If MMS really worked, then there should be hundreds if not thousands of people with real verifiable lab results of various illnesses cured.
      From all different labs all over the world.

      That’s ALL i’m saying.. How is that unreasonable?

      If doctors really are “prescribing it” to people, they too should have lab results, lots of them!

      There’s been ten years and, according to supporters, Hundreds of thousands of people cured of all various diseases.

      Is that so hard to understand? That’s what “reality” should look like. Which part do you disagree with?

      But for some reason, ALL i ever hear is excuses like this:

      “Scientific prove would be costly and drive up the price of the product,”

      That is demonstrably not true. Adam says the scientific proof ALREADY exists. So what’s so costly about it?

      Jim Humble has dozens of websites, there are hundreds of MMS promoters, the proof ALREADY exists as lab resulst, so where is it? Don’t you see? You are just making excuses because your belief doesn’t fit with reality. If MMS really worked and there were REAL LAB resulst you could easily spread them around to show people. But after ten years, i’ve never seen ONE verifiable result.

      If this doctor guy in Tijuana was REALLY curing poeple of AIDS and cancer for the last three years who had real results of being cured, it just stuns me how you can believe his clinic’s door wouldn’t be getting kicked in by thousands of people wanting to be cured.

      Do you honestly believe someone could REALLY be cured of a terminal disease and wouldn’t bother to get real lab results or couldn’t then go to the media and create such a stir that NOTHING could supress it? Honestly? That’s what would happen if someone was REALLY cured of a terminal disease. If that then happened hundreds of times all over the world, do you REALLY believe after ten years it would still be a barely known, mostly unreported event? The media absolutely LOVE those beating the odds “miracle” cure stories.

      1. Gilgamesh

        If you think ,that thousands of testimonials, is not empirical evidence, I guess you believe all these people are liars.
        But you can believe what ever you like, if you want to put your faith in the peer reviewed, FDA approved drugs, it is your choice.
        Nobody will force you to believe in MMS. And nobody cares what you believe, and a lot of people dont care if it is approved by the FDA, or not ,as long it works, and it is approved by the Jehovah Witnesses. If you believe MMS dont work, dont use it.

      2. people dont bother to get lab results because people or bots like you permiate the desease industry.

      3. neighbor,with terminal prostate,does mms1 and mms2,and is cured! a grandmother,with terminal breast cancer,does mms1 and is cured!
        a farmer with colon cancer does mms1 and in 4 months is cured!
        all with lab tests and results.
        again karma is universal,and there is no rest for the wicked.
        whatever you are mms debunkedfraud,you will reap what you sow.

    2. Now you’re just being silly.. I don’t get to “decide” what the phrase “empirical evidence” means. It has a definition already which specifically excludes personal testimony and anecdote, you can’t just say it means the opposite because it suits you.

      The problem is I personally know people for whom it didn’t work, it even made one person I know sick, so why should I believe random people on the internet over people I know?

      The problem with personal testimony is you could find literally millions of people who would testify that Allah is the one true God, are you going to believe them or are you going to call them liars?

      You got me curious about what you mean by saying it is approved by “Jehovah witnesses”? I can’t see they have any official position on it, are you a Jehovah’s witness? Does your congregation or elders approve it in any “official” capacity or is it just a thing some people mentioned?

      1. yu r a liar.you dont know anyone that mms failed to help.the net knows about you paid bloggers,paid to lie against mms.
        we also know about the various software pgm the gov uses to impersonate fake people,more than 1,using ai.
        one is called persona.is that you,mr bot?
        anyhow you are full of shit.please go away,you ruin the earth.

      2. trax, lets lock @ the bright side: bad comments are better than none. The more MMS-Fraud says MMS does not work or is a fraud, the more he gives us a opportunity to tell people what MMS has done for us.
        So those trolls are just shooting in their own feed, and so are those behind the scene of face persona’s, because some people than also come sometimes up with some bad experience they had with approved medicine.
        I’m sure there are much more people with bad experiences with approved medicine, than with MMS. Which goes to prove that those who sit in a glasshouse, should not be throwing stones… 🙂

      3. Gilgamesh

        I dont think you are looking for evidence, that MMS works. I think you are looking for evidence, that MMS dont work, and you are not having much success.With your Empirical evidence now, you sound like a fish out of water.The Empirical Evidence, is thousands of testimonials from people who used MMS, with miraculous results. MMS works for all health problems related to toxins, viruses, pathogens. But if someone have a magnesium deficiency, or something else like that, MMS will still help but the person will still have magnesium deficiency. You are asking if I m a Jehovah Witness. I m not a Jehovah Witness, but some people are.
        Nobody is forcing you to believe In MMS, If you dont believe in MMS, just walk away from it, it is your choice.

      4. Wow, talk about “witch-hunt”, isn’t this exactly what you accused me of Simunye? Calling people liar without any proof? Gee that’s nice, but I suppose it’s ok when you agree with them.

        The problem is you people don’t even bother reading what I write…

        Just ignore EVERYTHING else for a minute, clear your mind. Read the blog post by Adam again.

        Adam here claims there is a person who has test results. REAL empirical results from a lab.

        You claim there are HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people that have been cured “miraculously” with MMS.

        If that’s true, at least a SMALL percentage of those people should have lab results showing they are cured. No?

        This is empirical evidence, so where are they?

        Don’t you see? I’m not CLAIMING anything, i’m not denying anything, just open your eyes and realize that there is a glaring contradiction with what you believe.

        If MMS really cured people, ten years later there should be a FLOOD of REAL evidence, why isn’t there? Why is it really easy to find random testimonials from anonymous people all over the internet, but when it comes to hard proof like test results, which you already say exists, there’s NONE.

        Where am I ‘lying’ ? Which part of what I’m saying doesn’t make sense? Stop thinking of what excuse to give me and just consider the FACTS for a second.

        If there are real test results, let’s see them!

        I’ve been asking for a year to see test results but ALL I EVER GET is excuses! based on that what do you want me to believe?

        If you asked to see something time and time again for a whole year, but all you got was excuses, wouldn’t you think something was not right? I’m not making a particularly difficult demand, Adam says test results ALREADY exist, if MMS worked it should be EASY to show these real test results, there SHOULD be thousands of them. So, i ask again, where are they?

        Where is my logic flawed? You really have to twist to make up excuses now.

  6. Another MMS success story from a faceless, nameless, completely anonymous person on the other side of the world, not known, seen or verified by anybody. If this person REALLY had “before and after” lab results, they could easily get them selves in the news. Are you kidding? Media absolutely LOVE these “miracle” stories, it would be a sensation, a confirmed cured case of HSV 1 AND 2 would make a great story! That would be a massive boon to the MMS cause.. Sure, this one lady in Greece can say she wants to remain anonymous, she’s worried of the conspiracy “repercussions”, worried for the safety of herself or her family, that’s only fair enough, but it’s been 10 years; Isn’t it a little strange how out of the “hundreds of thousands” cured, and the hundreds or thousands that ARE willing to give their “anecdotes” on forums and websites, there isn’t ONE who is willing to actually stand up for MMS and their beliefs, actually show the lab results and put their claims on record for MMS?

    If MMS is REALLY such an amazing cure, if it is really saving lives, why hasn’t one single person cured by it with verified test results been willing to stand up for the cause? YOU Mr Phaelosopher are willing to stand up for it, so why hasn’t anyone that’s actually been verifiably CURED willing to do it? There are tons of people claiming it cured some niggling infection or some ‘flu like’ symptoms, but when it actually comes down to a real disease like cancer, or HSV, there’s not one verified case. Surely if MMS saved someone’s life, they would owe it to Jim Humble and MMS to even put their life on the line? I think I would if something like MMS saved my life. How about your friend Kalcker? He certainly “talks the talk”, does he have verified test results of whatever he claims MMS cured him of?

    Besides, I think this story is quite obviously not really true. Maybe you did get some emails from some anonymous person in Greece who convinced you about their “story”, but I’m not convinced at all, did you see the test results or are you just taking their “word” for it? To realize how improbably this is, all you need is a VERY basic understanding of what HSV actually IS. You know how Jim says MMS works by “blowing a hole in the skin” ? I can understand how you might believe this works on a germ or a parasite, but guess what? A virus doesn’t HAVE a “skin”. It doesn’t have a membrane, or a cell wall, it is definitely NOT a cell or a germ (a germ can also be infected by a virus by the way), it doesn’t even have a nucleus, it’s not anaerobic or aerobic, it’s not even “ALIVE”. It makes absolutely NO sense that a disinfectant could “kill” a virus. A virus is just a segment of DNA or RNA! Which is made up of EXACTLY the same kinds of substances as our own DNA, a copy of which is inside every single cell in our body. So it is actually impossible for a simple disinfectant to distinguish between the DNA of a virus and our own DNA. In fact it is impossible by very definition for a disinfectant to “kill” a virus since a virus is not alive to be killed in the 1st place. Viruses can only replicate INSIDE our own cells, they “hijack” the mechanism of the cell to do this. The only way to “kill” a virus is either to stop it from replicating, or kill the cells that have the virus in them, but since Jim claims MMS doesn’t damage our own cells, MMS can’t do anything to a virus. A simple chemical like chlorine dioxide can NOT tell the difference between a cell with a virus and a call without a virus, the only difference is one has an extra piece of DNA or RNA in it, which makes NO difference to the “outside” of the cell. Imagine a hijacked plane, can a missile tell the difference between a regular plane and a hijacked one? Even if you could get IN the plane, can a bullet tell the difference between a pilot and a terrorist? No, it takes quite a lot of sophisticated analysis for a person to tell the difference before they could confidently fire a bullet or a missile. How can people honestly believe that a two or three atom molecule is capable of this kind of distinction?

    1. LOL, now I really have to laugh.
      Have you got an idea who many of those “MMS can’t work doctors” would be prepared to supply the documents or statements to supply the prove that THEY could not help their patients, but MMS did?
      Do you have a clue how many users, for the same reason won’t tell their doctors that they used MMS ?
      It because of people like YOU that the truth is very difficult to be made public, because of the witch-hunt that follows calling our truth ‘made up’, lies , staged, delusion ect.
      No matter how much prove we will bring, you people will not believe and accuse us of lying or being deluded, simple because you don’t want to believe.
      Now that is the last I have to say to you about this. We don’t need another Adam2… 😉

      1. What on earth are you even talking about? What “witch-hunt” ? I didn’t call anyone deluded or a liar, I’m just questioning the claims, I don’t just blindly believe anything anyone says. If a claim is TRUE and rigorous, what have you got to fear? A real true claim can stand up to ANY scrutiny. Scrutiny is NOT a “witch-hunt”, it’s a “truth-hunt”. So why are you so scared that your “beliefs” are being questioned?

        “It’s because of people like “ME” that the truth is very difficult to be made public?” That is complete nonsense! In fact that’s the exact opposite of what I’m saying: I’m not out to “suppress” or hide true information, I’m saying I want the truth EXPOSED as widely as possible! I’m trying to tell you HOW that is done!

        You say there are MANY doctors and people with real proof, so lets see it? SHOW IT TO ME SO WE CAN SPREAD THE WORD. That’s all I want, that’s all I’ve ever asked for. I want the proof! I have asked Jim personally for the proof but he says I have to fly to the Dominican republic to see his proof, in the age of the internet that’s just ridiculous, I can’t afford to fly to the Dominican republic! What possible good is the proof doing squirreled away there? It should be on the internet where everyone can see it! Everyone claims there’s all this proof all over the place, well show it to me, let’s start with one test result. I have never found one. Admittedly, if you show me just ONE piece of proof, or just ONE doctor, I probably won’t believe you straight away, but it’s a start at least, but you have to build up what’s called a preponderance of evidence, it’ll take more then one piece of real proof to convince me, depending how GOOD the proof is, how objective and verified, it might take 10, or 50 such proofs, but after TEN YEARS, if MMS was REALLY a miracle cure then there should be hundreds, if not thousands of such proofs! So where are they? I’m not on a witch hunt, I’m on a proof hunt! That’s all I’ve ever been after. I’ve personally been at it for over a year, but all I’ve ever got is these anonymous testimonials and excuses, like yours. You tell me, what am I SUPPOSED to think?

      2. First of all, I did not say YOU call us delueted or liar, but people like you. So what I’m saying is , if YOU (plural, and if the shoe fits, wear it) people can’t bring the prove for your claims/opinions, what right do you have to reject our prove.
        If you (plural again) would take the trouble going back and read comments from other disbelievers who keep on asking us the same questions over and over, rejecting our experiences and the word of doctors who already are officially saying that MMS works and that they prescribe it to not only their patients, but also to their family, than you would know that a few of them called us deluted, liars, idiot (to name but a few) and the doctors are either lyng or not qualified,

        …to name a few…

        …or not reputable and THEY DID start a witchhunt not only against Jim Humble but also against users who know better, because they have their health to prove it.
        On the hand hand, the only prove they could deliever that MMS does NOT work, is that they believe so, and their chummies believe so and that Sylvia died from it, which was proven not to be so. All prove they bring is copy and paste opinions from other naysayer. Now what prove is that? 🙂

        Scientific prove would be costly and drive up the price of the product, which is defeading the opject of keeping it affortable for those who can’t affort expencive medication, which has proven not to work for them/us for years. Now I talk about my own experience, using medication and pumps for years, and beng health of my asthma in 2 days flat by MMS.

      3. Lastly, but not leastly, why should we, who have the personal prove that MMS works, believe any of YOU (plural), who we don’t know, rather than our own judgement and that of our friends who use it? 😉

    2. hes using NLP.neural linguistic programming,a brainwash language to influence and control a target
      now i know hes not a real person but a bot or a shill(still not a real healthy person).folks its better to not even read what this pgm has to say as it is a waste of time.same as with a shill.if hes a sholl ,you know,KNOW,that he owns a bottle or two of mms.;)

    3. max

      There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to label a set of symptoms as a disease. For example, I recently spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it said this: “Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak and fragile bones.” The poster went on to say that you need a particular drug to counteract this “disease.” Yet the language is all backward. Osteoporosis is not a disease that causes weak bones. Osteoporosis is the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other words, the weak bones happened first, and then the diagnosis followed.Another drug company defines osteoporosis as “the disease that causes bones to become thinner.” Again, the cause and effect are reversed. And that’s how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms: First you “get” the disease, then you are “diagnosed” just in time to take an expensive new drug for the rest of your life.But it’s all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It’s just a name for a pattern of symptoms that indicate you’ve let your bones get fragile. And to treat it, western doctors will give you prescriptions for drugs that claim to make your bones less brittle.We should really call it Brittle Bones Disease, and describe the treatment in plain language – exercise, vitamin D, mineral supplements with calcium and strontium, natural sunlight, and the avoidance of substances like soft drinks, white flour, and added sugars, which strip away bone mass.Diabetes is another condition given a complex name that puts its solution out of reach of the average patient. Type 2 diabetes isn’t technically a disease. It’s just a natural metabolic side effect of consuming refined carbohydrates and added sugars in large quantities without engaging in regular physical exercise.The name “diabetes” is meaningless to the average person. It should be called Excessive Sugar Disease. If it were called Excessive Sugar Disease, the solution to it would be rather apparent.Cancer is another disease named after its symptom. To this day, most doctors and patients still believe that cancer is a physical thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is only a side effect of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a physical manifestation of a cancer pattern that is expressed by the body.When a person “has cancer,” what they really have is a sluggish or suppressed immune system. And that would be a far better name for the disease: Suppressed Immune System Disorder.If cancer were actually called that, it would seem ridiculous to try to cure it by cutting out tumors and destroying the immune system with chemotherapy. These are the two most popular treatments for cancer, and they do nothing to support the patient’s immune system or prevent future occurrences. That’s exactly why most people who undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors end up with yet more cancer down the road.The cure for cancer already exists, and it’s found in every human body. Your body kills cancer cells as a routine daily task, and it has done it thousands of times in your lifetime.All we have to do is stop poisoning our bodies with cancer-causing chemicals and start feeding ourselves the materials our bodies need to beat chronic disease. Instead of searching for new technological cures, our money and time would be better spent making people aware of the existing cures and prevention strategies available right now.there’s another example: high cholesterol. Conventional medicine says that high cholesterol is caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the treatment is drugs (statin drugs) that inhibit the liver’s production of cholesterol. Upon taking these drugs, the high cholesterol (the “disease”) is regulated.
      But the fatal flaw in this approach is once again evident: The symptom is not the cause of the disease. There is another cause, one that is routinely ignored by conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies, and even patients. The root cause of high cholesterol is primarily dietary. A person who eats foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils will inevitably produce more bad cholesterol. It’s simple cause and effect, not some bizarre behavior by the liver.
      “There’s a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don’t want to make health sound attainable to the average person.”If the disease were accurately named, it would be called Fatty Food Choice Disease. That would make more sense to people. And the obvious solution to the disease would be to choose foods that aren’t so fatty. Of course, that may be a bit of an oversimplification, since you have to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. But at least the name would give patients a better idea of what’s actually going on. Outside the United States, the names of diseases in other languages (such as Chinese) more accurately describe their actual causes. In western medicine, however, the name of the disease obscures the root cause. That makes all diseases sound far more complex and mysterious than they really are. That’s a shame, because the treatments and cures for virtually all chronic diseases are actually quite simple and can be described in plain language. Preventing and reversing these diseases only requires language that describes things like making different food choices, getting more natural sunlight, drinking more water, engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding specific toxins, supplementing your diet, and so on.There is a degree of arrogance in the language of western medicine, and this arrogance propagates the separation between doctors and their patients. Separation never results in healing. In order to create healing, we must bring together healers and patients by using plain language that real people understand and that real people can act upon.There’s a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and they sure don’t want to make health sound attainable to the average person. Making the language of disease complicated keeps it out of reach of the public.But health is attainable by every single person. It isn’t rocket science. It’s not complex. And it doesn’t require a prescription. Health is easy, it is straightforward, and it is direct. And, for the most part, it is available free of charge if you invoke the healing power of sunlight, pure water, stress reduction, exercise, and healthy food choices.Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist and author of more than 1,500 articles on disease prevention, conventional medicine, and more. He posts new articles daily at http://www.NewsTarget.com. His downloadable e-books (many are free) are published at http://www.truthpublishing.com.)

      1. Thank you for this info Max.
        What you write here makes so much sense. It makes you think, and hopefully we remember next time we think we have some disease, to check out if there is not something natural we could try first to eliminate or improve the situation.
        God bless you 🙂

  7. Have a nice trip Adam and God bless you.
    I’m sure you will keep us informed.
    The good new from the lady from Greece is something that makes me think. I’m sure that MMS could do plenty of good now in Japan too if somebody dares to introduce it there. 🙂

  8. Julie Baumlisberger

    Safe travels, Adam. Thank you for sharing the story about the girl from Greece. My husband plays pick-up hockey once a week during the winter, and MMS and clay, among other things, have come up in conversation in post-game locker room chats. One player, who had ulcerative colitis, took the time to learn more about it from us, and after a few months, regained health and vigour that he hadn’t experienced in fifteen years. This after almost dying twice in one year, and hearing the doctors tell him they could not do anything else for him. He is off all of his medication, and takes MMS and clay when required. Another fellow, who’s wife has rheumatoid arthritis that almost cripples her hands, and has been on prescription drugs for over 20 years, also heard about MMS and clay. He and his wife decided to wait awhile, and when his wife mentioned the clay to her doctor, he poo-pooed the whole idea and they decided against exploring it any further. They were also not prepared to make some lifestyle changes (eliminating sugars and junk food), even if it meant they could get healthy again – we certainly couldn’t understand it. All we can do is get the information out there, and allow everyone to decide for themselves.

    1. n
      explains the nlp brainwashing used.
      read the illusion of desease

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